Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Questions to Character

When are you most content?
I'm most content when I'm at home, watching the History Channel and learning.  Or when I'm travelling- in interesting, bustling cities like San Francisco though.  Forget places like L.A. I would say I love my family, but my wife never wanted to have kids. So we're alone in the suburbs, and at this point, she's almost too old to have children anyway.  Don't "high-risk" pregnancies start being high-risk when the woman is thirty-five? I feel like that's right.  Well, she is thirty-four.  Despite that, I used to love those late nights we spend in the backyard, or just driving.  She really is beautiful. I just haven't seen her sparkle in a while.

Are you an expert at anything?  
I'm an expert at seeing constellations in the sky.  I'm an expert at picking soccer games before they are played.  I can make a to-do list like no one's business.  I can knit too.  But that's a secret.  Because it's weird for men to knit.

Speak about Darkness.
The dark is something unknown to humans; we are primarily diurnal.  Only with the introduction of fire for uses other than warmth, and practical light, did we ever dare to venture into the dark.  Even with those torches and bulky lamps, the creatures of the night beckoned and threatened.  Our ancestors only went out as long as light permitted, until electric light made it possible to constantly keep streets, cities, and the outdoors lit.  Now we don't know darkness.  I thought I did.  But I don't.  Most of you are in the light, but I'm in the shadow. The creatures of the night still beckon to me. But instead of threatening my survival, it intrigues me.  Maybe I'm just that one dumb caveman in the pack that goes into the night and gets eaten by the lions.

Describe your vision for the future.
In the future, I want to retire and never venture outside again.  I just want to curl up in my house, with Janie, and the children we never had.  My future will be uneventful, despite how boring that prospect is.  It's easier to go out as expected than unexpectedly. It saves pain and hassle.  Maybe I can take Janie to Europe like we planned after we got married.  It depends.

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